This Logo has the Rocket, Spaceship, Jet and Speedboat.

Back to Learning: Exploring New Ideas Together

Hey there, fellow learners! I’m back after taking some time off to make a cool book about folding paper. Now, I’m super excited to be back in the learning lab with you all.

Getting Creative:

While I was away, I learned a lot about folding paper to make things like rockets and planes. My book, Origami Rocket: Evolution, teaches you how to make these cool things using just paper and your hands. We’ve talked about being creative and focused before, and I’ve used those skills to make this book.

What We’ll Talk About:

As we start talking again, let’s remember what we’ve learned before and explore new stuff together. We can chat about space, airplanes, and even how to design our own planes. I’ve had a lot of fun learning about these things, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you.

This Logo has the Rocket, Spaceship, Jet and Speedboat.
This Logo has the Rocket, Spaceship, Jet and Speedboat.

Being Creative and Focused:

Remember when we talked about how being creative and focused is important? Well, making this book taught me even more about that. Let’s keep talking about it and see how it helps us learn new things.

Join the Chat:

I’m inviting you to join me back in the learning lab. We’ll have fun talking about all sorts of cool stuff and learning from each other. Whether you love science, art, or something else, there’s room for you here. Let’s learn and have fun together!

Follow for Updates:

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram (@modelpaperplanes) for updates and behind-the-scenes looks at what we’re working on. See you there!

I’m so glad to be back, and I’m excited to learn and share with all of you. Let’s jump back into learning together and have a blast exploring new ideas!

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